Mystical Trails – Discovering “The Temple of Valadier” in Genga

It is really reducing defining this place misterious…or even mystical…because I would rather say magical! It could be an amazing location for any fantasy film: an octagonal temple framed in mountain’s cave which gets deeper into darkness. If I were an enchantress I would definitely make this place my home (and I do not exclude I’ll become one some day!).

san vittore genga valadier temple

The path to reach the entrance arch to “Temple Of Valadier” is really easy (actually I was expecting something more arduous!) but, for adventures’ lovers there are always other interesting trekking itineraries from near village of S.Vittore or even a speleologycal path inside the obscurity of the cave behind the church (on my “to try” list!).

cave san vittore temple of valadier

tempietto del valadier genga san vittore

Inside the cave, as in all this area, there are water infiltrations coming down from the rocks. As usual, I went there in Converse, but to avoid skids on slippery soil I do recommend more serious shoes!

genga temple of valadier

The Temple Of Valadier in its neoclassical shape and doomed roof was erected here by willing of Pope in 1812. It started to be a pilgrimage site for those seeking forgiveness, but the local population already knew this cave from ancient times and used it as refuge. From these stories comes the other name for which this place is well known: “Refuge of Sinners”. Nowadays even the crude hermitage at the entrance is abandoned, but the uniqueness and mystical strenght of this place is kept untouched.

temple of valadier church genga italy

And from obscurity of the cave, it is nice to think some mythical creatures are hiding while staring curious tourists wandering in faint light!

temple of valadier genga italy

Wandering at fall’s beginnings

A perfect afternoon itinerary … THE Perfect Afternoon itinerary!

10 minutes from Treia (MC), in the heart of Le Marche, there’s an easy panoramic path to the castle’s ruins of “La Roccaccia”.


A tower and few walls … enchanted deep green and red surroundings in this period of the year!



An air of mistery lingers in these ruins … the bloodthirsty master of these lands, Grimaldo di Aurelio, used to plunder and fire these lands, kidnapping the poor farmers in the castle’s basement.

roccaccia5That’s the origin of a lot of legends like the one  talking about a mysterious weaver and her gold loom in the castle’s dungeons.


By the way… we haven’t seen her!

Only birds, an astonish view and the first autumn colors! °v°

