Oh (how many!) albero!

Xmas holidays are almosy over. Cause you know, “L’Epifania tutte le feste si porta via!”, or to say it in English, “Epiphany brings away all festivities!”.

So it really is time to challenge in your soul all left over Xmas spirit and make a huge provision of “merriness and brightness” for the new year!

tree quote

We were in desperate need of cold, pines’ smell and tiny lights so, no place was better than the “Urban Wood”!  Yes, a pines’ wood in the middle of the city: lots of well-lighted Xmas trees in the lovely frame of S. Severino city centre (Macerata province).


We loved the project, the green spirit of which was made (imagine that you can adopt a tree of the forest and bring it at home after the 6th of January!) and this clever city that brought the idea to life!


Walk through the forest, make a wish and hang it on a tree! There is enough “Christmassness” to fill your entire year!
